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Why hire a book writing coach?

Maybe you’re ready to finally write your book and you need help developing your book concept, your table of contents, research challenges, and/or the structure. Or you have no idea where on earth to start or what to write about or how to organize what you already have into a book.

Perhaps you want help with the publishing decision: Should I self-publish, or should I hire a publisher? Maybe you are not confident with your writing skills and need a little push to get started. Whatever your situation may be, you came to the right place!


Need a Speaker or Writing Subject Matter Expert (SME)?

As a motivational speaker, author and minister, I speak from various platforms as Christian Educator, Pastor, Pastoral Care provider, Grief counselor, Domestic violence survivor and mental health advocacy to name a few.

My most favorable are speeches about resiliency, overcoming stress and anxiety, boosting self-confidence, in particular to feel comfortable in your writing skills, while encouraging and empowering others to tell their story.


What are your biggest challenges to starting your book or creative projects?

Are you:

  • Wondering where to start?
  • Feeling overwhelmed?
  • Having trouble making time?
  • Needing better follow through and commitment?
  • Feeling self-doubt?
  • Not comfortable with your writing skills?

I can help you break through these creative challenges with:

  • Step-by-step guidance
  • Powerful exercises
  • Time saving tools

My hallmarks are helping you:

  • Write a great book that will have an impact on your readers and your success—a book that reflects the message of “excellence” you want your readers to “get.”
  • Tap into your creativity.
  • Write with ease and grace — enjoying the book writing process.
  • Overcome any internal blocks to step into that expanded self that your vision and dreams are calling you to become.

Tell Us About Your Writing Service Needs

**Garland D. Davis/The Write Story has the right to refuse to provide a service that does not best fit its image morally or that which is not best for business.**